Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Simple Question

‘Professionalism’, ‘Career Oriented ’, these are the few over spoken words nowadays. In my opinion not only over spoken but also over hyped. This time I have promised myself that, this article of mine would not stretch too long. If not sounding like an ancient geek, then I would like to divulge my opinion on this matter. None of us can truly recall when exactly these terms came into the picture. As a kid, our one and only one intention was to score high in school exams. I still remember, how dreadful those annual exam days were, those syllabus used to appear like never ending stream of punishments. That was not the end of the story; first time appearing for the board exam seemed scarier. It was sometimes tough to differentiate who was exactly appearing for the exam, we or our parents. On a serious note, that was just the preliminary part of the journey. Exam is the word that never fades out from our life but what exactly changes is the time and situation. There is just one minor difference, in schools or colleges we had to appear for some specific set of exams and now in work places we face it in every step we take.

Now I have reached such a stage where those frightful school exams seems heavens to me. Our parents tried to provide us with sufficient education and we have more or less utilized those resources. According to the convention we are leading a very successful life, somebody has become doctors, some engineers, some marketing head or some are HR professionals. Everyone is working round the clock, satisfying their superiors, finishing their projects on or before deadline, just for the sake of the heavy pay packet at the end of the month. A perfect picture of our life explains from getting up early in the morning and coming back late at night and this is the process by which we can accomplish all the amenities needed for our perfect life. It doesn’t matter if we lower our self esteem every day, doesn’t matter if we need to be tightlipped after seeing any misdeed happening in front us, it doesn’t matter if we deprive our family (after all, where our family will stand if we run out of money!!), it doesn’t even matter if we cannot see our parents at their very last moment of their lives, after all we are professionals! We should restructure our self as a person with no emotions present, no personal life existing and last but not the least with no sign of self-respect and of course none other than a money vendor , doesn’t matter even if it seems like slavery. If you have such signs present in you then be very proud of yourself as you have bagged the title of a ‘Professional’, ‘Career Oriented ‘successful individual.

If I try to fish through the ocean of mass, then I must fail to single out a person who is not following the convention and living a completely altruistic life. You cannot make everyone happy in your life, so we people, end up making our superiors happy and sacrifice our personal life. This is just my personal experience, things might be different for others, life might be a cake walk for some people, but the truth is that at some point of time everyone feels that some way or the other they have turned into a robot, where only you should be dedicated to your work and nothing else. Correct me people if I am wrong, but can you deny to the fact that, in this era we are more successful at our career front but a complete failure in our personal lives, if everything is well balanced then why are the Indian joint families disintegrating, why are people facing relationship problems, why a bulk amount of people suffering from depression? The true definition of happiness is hurriedly diminishing from our lives. I am neither a social activist nor a person in limelight but I have always learnt that “A pen is mightier than sword”. Here I do not want to act as a trendsetter or want to bring some change because I, am myself trapped in that same whirlpool and acting as a hypocrite but still I want to ask you a simple question, is everything justified? If I do have the remedy I would have initiated but in this case may be a radical change is needed.


Tushar said...

This was a heavy topic for me. honestly speaking i didnt understand much from this article. maybe im not of that level (atleast for now). plz b simple

Maitreyi said...

Dear...sometimes it's good to lower our standards but not at the cost of our self worth..!!but next time when i will write i will keep it in mind and pick a topic,much simpler..!