Thursday, December 10, 2009

Reminiscences and Me…..

        An elusive cloud of your reminiscence is still in my mind, though you are gone, though you would never return, still with my every footstep your presence is fascinating me. A part within me knows that you have gone forever and a part of me still wonder why this winter breeze whistling your name when it’s passing by my ears. There is a lump in my throat which wants to ooze out of me when I am in my solitude, though I know, you are my diminishing memory still unconsciously my mind creeps back to the day when for the last time you were mine. The candle that was not illuminated that day, and now it’s gradually waning with the time with my fading love for you. There are moments I face myself and try to answer my questions, is it really diminishing or just suppressing in the secret chest which is kept inside me without even my knowledge. Is it the love which is holding me back from moving forward or the habit of loving you, I am unaware of the truth. It might be the inhibition which is playing in my mind of vacating my heart and to welcome any soul to sooth mine, may be the inhibition of loyalty which is ingrained in me since my childhood .Sometimes my ignorance drives me insane and I start doubting my age. Neither resentment nor the hatred could create the distance between you and me, may be that is only bond we share now, or something else? Sometimes I do not even realize why this enormous pressure, fails to deviate my mind of your thought, why I feel safe when I am alone, why solitude has become my beloved companion. Unknowingly, unconsciously, I have fallen in love with solitude, I have become a stranger in my known world, unperturbed of my surroundings; I am all occupied with your nostalgia. I yearned for a gift but you left nothing with me except me and your reminiscence.

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