Monday, January 11, 2010

When Life Smiles At You

I secret we met--
I silence I grieve,
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With silence and tears.

                                                                       by: George Gordon (Lord) Byron (1788-1824)

Truly unaware of the fact that, how long one has to travel to become a complete human being, is completeness is an illusion or a virtual myth, I don’t know. It seems that my chemical composition is changing with the time, precisely; I am a bit enthusiastic about the change is occurring in my grey matter. This journey seems so extended for me but a part of my heart knows that I am enjoying it, I am proud of it. This pride can be named as “Healthy Pride”, a healthy love for me, and I can openly admit that, everything is because of you my love…! The beauty of life is unveiling in front of me and I am merrily cherishing every bit of it.
There was a very critical question, played as a dominant thought in my mind, a stage of self actualization, that, what I exactly want out of my life, who am I? Life as a best teacher of mine, gradually telling me some treasured truth about me and my soul; and I am ready to welcome anything new about myself. Mystery has always wooed me, and I have become a mystery to myself. Certainty makes my life peaceful and at the same time it drags me to an endless monotony, is it a kind of split personality I demonstrate? My experience says that I have always fallen in love with the like minded people, but these people are not the representatives of the so called “Conventional World”. If I have attracted them and vice versa then why am I following this convention? Some people know me as obedient and some as rebel, again a contradiction which provides me with the feed for my thought. There must be a conflict in my character where I segregate myself. In today’s  date where I stand does not portray my ideology of life, I am in a way not practicing what I am preaching, but a well said proverb is “Better Late Than Never”. I am Thankful to God that he had showed me the” me” in myself. “If I change I will always change for better”, this is the common phrase I convey to everyone, and my change is constant in me though, now I can entitle myself as a knowledge sucker, each and every part of my soul wants to grow, grow as a person, evolved as person, I can now look back and smile to myself that life has provided with a splendid opportunity to learn the beauty of it.
My love for you has over grown now to fit in my heart. If I say you are the bond between me and Almighty, then I am not wrong. The beaming “you” as a morning glory is still fresh in my mind, you can deceive the whole world but not me; I have seen God within you. But I cannot wish you back in my life, all what I can expect is, be my muse for the whole out of my life as a newly blooming flower.


1 comment:

Sourav Bhar (Hollowheart) said...

The most important fact is that most of us dont understand whats life and die still thinking of what could be the answer.
Life is every moment and what we learn from the experiences.
As u rightly said about the grey matters maturing in the positive way. True. Thats how it is.
The secret of being happy is to accept everything that comes in live good or bad with an open heart and a broad smile.
Many say destiny is in our control, but i dont say that. We should try, yet what happens is as per destinys plans. We all face hardships in life more than the good moments, but if we can accept it, the pain wouldnt bother, so even thats adds to the happy moment.
Hope to see u happy and shining as u write more blogs...
Keep it moving.