Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On The 40th Anniversary of Internet..!

              It was just a couple of days ago I have uploaded my latest blog, thought that it would satisfy my scribbling urge, but bemused to find that my discontented soul forcing me again to pen down my wavering thoughts. I was just seeking out for a suitable topic, and the news caught my attention in yahoo homepage; today (6th November2009), its Internet’s 40th anniversary. The statistics is saying that one third of the population is trapped in this web of technology and there would be a radical change in internet five years from now. In my essay, I would not enter into the technical and statistical jargons as I do not intend to utter a word in which I don’t consider myself to be an expert.
Precisely, ten years ago, I knew nothing of internet, in fact anything of computers. Unexpectedly, had chosen a field where I was a novice, if it was any of the science subjects or any field of literature, it would have been more familiar to me, but things do not happen sometime as the way they should. Anyways, I was introduced to internet merely a decade ago. In those times we were not allowed frequent access of internet as there were some pre-notions in our parent’s mind , that it would surely spoil their children and above of all it was expensive. Sometimes, in a week or in a fortnight, I used to get the privilege of surfing. However, as time changes, the situation also have changed. The amount of opposition I used to face still leaves me in awe. It’s not only my parents but the majority of people have got the same mindset and of course there are specific reasons for this kind of attitude.  Lack of knowledge leads us to any sort of fear. People in India are still in darkness that what exactly the internet is useful for. If I agree to the fact that internet is proving itself malicious to the society, then it is just because most of us do not know where exactly to draw the line. In recent years, World Wide Web is expanded its root so robustly that most of the young generation has become dependent on it and some people from the elder age group as well. Our elders blame mostly the social networking sites and the chat servers for spoiling their offspring, and they are right up to a certain extent. Everything has its own share of pros and cons and there is no exception in this matter. Some mishap mainly occurs when people fail to notice any kind of inconsistency in any particular profile where they cannot distinguish between original and the fake one. On the contrary, I am a vivid user of internet and hope no one will question my originality in this regard and even our friends and familiars are accessing through the same medium. There are some more reasons why still people do not believe in the authenticity of internet, mostly in India. There are some educational institutions that have launched their official websites and claims themselves as technically proficient. Ironically, when they announce any kind of important notification, say for example, the results or the exam timetables, the specific page never opens on the very crucial day. Same goes to the online shopping sites, I have got some personal experience regarding that, I opted for online shopping and selected one latest novel, after the shipment, to my surprise, have found that some pages of the specific book is totally blank and never the less the book looks like a paperback copy! What a shame!! No wonder why some people still cannot trust internet. Some stalwarts working round the clock, researching on the cyber security or the threat protection of internet, trying to represent this latest technology as an authentic and accepted medium of communication and at the same time some are reluctant about the matter and ruining their every effort. We need to know that at this era the technology has reached to a certain scale where each and every individual has to be well acquainted with the every bit of it. When I have started with this article, I have made sure that this should not sound like a well formed school essay about internet. According to me, it is a good medium of communication, which has made our world small, precisely a Global Village, where in no time we can connect to anyone of any part of the world. If I consider myself to be a tech savvy, in no doubt I would find many followers of my path. The positive aspects of internet are endless, but on a tragic note, very few people are aware of that. If we put a little effort to make our elder generation a bit more knowledgeable and our next generation well informed, then it might ease our life to a certain extent. Our elders need to understand that days are gone when people used to send letters through pigeons, and the kids should know how to use technology very intelligently without causing any harm to anyone.
The truth which I believe in is, we cannot force anyone to change their mind but we can bring the change to ourselves to show the world that change is always not bad. With my due respect to our traditional values, it’s always nice to accept some change; sometimes acceptance makes our life simple. Change can be depicted as good or bad but improvisation is unquestioned, and I think we can always welcome improvisation, because it is going to benefit us in every way. It’s well said that “Every innovative mind always faced tremendous opposition”.  Be it the case of first electric bulb or the telephone or airplanes, nothing was accepted in the first count, but today, these stuffs are mandatory in our lives. Same goes to the invention of internet; hopefully it would be wholeheartedly accepted to each and every generation. As a concluding note I would like to add “First be the change you want to see”!!


Haddock said...

People in India are still in darkness that what exactly the internet is useful for........
some truth there.

Maitreyi said...

thanks for ur comment Hddock..!